Any time I get the chance to talk about Coin Collecting I take it. I've always considered coins "fine art for the common folk," and I have often discussed just that point with people I didn't even know. I'd love to be able to carry my coin collection with me, but as forgetful as I am (at least according to my wife and 13-year old daughter), I'm probably better off leaving my actual collection safely at home. But I have figured out a few ways to bring up coins in conversation without the risk of losing something valuable, and over the next few weeks I'll post something about some of those ideas.
One thing that I like to do is have an image or two of coins I enjoy with me. If I can display them somehow, people always seem to talk about them. For me it's especially fun if the coin is not one that is commonly circulated today.
The image of a coin on a keychain is one neat way to bring coins to the fore. This is especially fun with kids. And it's always best if you know some interesting trivia about the coin!
What I like about keychains is that they are appropriate everywhere. A t-shirt won't work in most office settings. But I need to pull out my keys half a dozen times a day. At the fast food restaurant or the local mega-mart...folks see my keychain. When I sit at a table at the library, I leave my keys on the table next to my books. Unobtrusive. But an effective way to get folks involved in the greatest hobby in the world. And for under Three Bucks, it's something I can enjoy even if nobody else is around.