I went to the coin show in Grapevine TX this last weekend. The usual dealers were there, and I got the chance to talk with some acquaintances that are well on their way to becoming friends. I didn't buy anything, but the show was definitely worthwhile for several reasons. I'll talk about one today, then add to my list over the next few days.
Several months ago I had the chance to meet Robert Wilharm, the noted expert on Error Coins from Irving TX. Nice Guy. VERRRRRY Knowledgeable.
I saw Robert Saturday at the show, and we had a chance to chat. While we were talking, a man came up to us carrying a stack of coins in flips.
"Just the man I wanted to see!!!"
The three of us shook hands, and he began talking to Robert. He'd bought some "scrap coins" for their silver content. Mercury Dimes for the most part. It seems that as he was going through them he found several coins that just didn't look right.
Two coins had repunched mint marks, and one had been struck through a layer of grease. Robert confirmed the errors, and I was reminded that no matter how old the coins, how bad the condition, what you pay for them, etc., etc., etc., you can still come up with interesting coins straight from circulation. I just wonder how many people looked at those dimes since 1935 and never noticed a thing!!!